I CANNOT believe we are in 2022!!! Where has the time gone
Since my last post, there has been MANY updates to the house physically and things that happened behind the scenes.
For starters, we were unable to touch the house in terms of renovations until we had lawyers stuff situated. We had TWO lawyers working from every angle to make sure we were never going to end up homeless due to the government being involved. Got THAT situated!!! THIS process set us back almost a whole year.
So let’s fast forward to 2022!!!
Our Contractor
We LOVE our contractor!! We actually contacted him on working on our house back in September 2020. He agreed to take on our job. Then course, we had legal issues to deal with. What was supposed to take us 6 months ended up taking us close to a year; Yay us!
After the legal issues got dealt with we were finally able to secure a loan through our bank for the renovations. We went back to our contractor and updated him on the entire situation. We were hesitant on if he’d take us back because it had been SOO long since we last spoke.
He did tell us he took own more jobs since us (totally understandable), but he said I had told y’all back then I’d do your renovation and I’m sticking to my word!! What a LIFESAVER right?!!!! We were SO thankful he had taken us back even if it meant “squeezing” us in.
If you’re in South Mississippi I recommend Shannon Harrell and his crew with Crown Construction for renovation projects!
Unforeseen Circumstances
As IF we cannot catch a break!! As the renovations were on the way we had MULTIPLE set backs. None of the set backs were anyones fault really. The major setbacks were due to the INCREASING price of lumber, materials, and COVID!!!! GRRRRRR!!!
At times my hubbs and I would reflect on the situation. He had many doubts on if there were signs that we should abort the Reno and just buy another house or build a house. We have been on both end of each scenario, but I couldn’t let THIS house go. It had too many shared memories and it was HIS family. Through it ALL we had each other and I believe each set back gave us perspective.
The perspective that THESE moments are minuscule and shall passs; these moments are to strengthen us as a FAMILY and as a faithful couple.
So when it seemed like EVERYTHING was against us moving forward, we persevered and here we are today with a little update; some awesome before and afters!!!
The Outside
We are in the process of building a pole bard to house hubbs hunting things as well as a covering for the lawnmower and such. The old shed that was there was rotting. So it got knocked down and literally in a day, a company came in and built us this AWESOME pole barn!!

The Inside
ALOT has been done on the inside. I am SOO Excited too share this with y’all. We have knocked own walls and put new ones up. Got the trim up and the paint is completed!!!
Lets check it out!
Walking in
So when you first walked in you were hit with cabinets from the kitchen to the right. Then as you were looking straight there as a wall separating the “piano” room from the kitchen and then a corridor to the exit at the front of the house.
Then we took that wall down separating the kitchen from living room as well.
Whelp! We got rid of the kitchen cabinets, opened up the walls to the “piano room”, created another bathroom where the corridor USED to be. We also got rid of the awkward front entrance, again, to create that 2nd spacious guest bathroom when you walk in. We tore down the wall that separated the kitchen from living room and again the kitchen to piano room.
We now have created an open concept kitchen, dining, and living room.

We got rid of an adjacent bathroom to make an en suite for the master bedroom. Then to the other bedrooms it was just cosmetic paint. We decided to pay homage to the boys bedroom and add a board and batten because that’s what was there prior.

We decided to go with simple colors for the entire home.
We used all Benjamin Moore paints from our local store called Charlies Custom Colors
Our walls are Old Praire in an eggshell finish OC-42
Our trim is White Dove in a Satin sheen OC-17
The boys board and batten color is Sagebrook Sage HC-114
Thus far
We still have a ways to go, but I am very thankful for the work that is being done!!
Check back for more updates 🙂 !!

Shannon told me about your blog so I had to come check it out! So glad I did!! Love it! 💗
Thank you!! It has been a process, but we’re learning along the way too. We are so excited at how it’s coming along!!!